Victims of motor vehicle crashes can suffer many injuries because of the violent impact of a wreck. One of these is a spinal cord injury, which can lead to permanent damage. Prompt medical care is critical when one of these injuries occurs.
Many factors play a role in how a spinal cord injury will impact a person. A medical care team conducts tests to determine the location and type of injury so they can start the treatment process. Typically, people who receive swift care after the injury have a better chance of a fuller recovery than those who receive delayed care.
Location of the injury
The location of the injury determines what area of the body is impacted. When the spinal cord is injured, the area that’s affected is below the site of the damage. This means that a person who has an injury higher on the spinal cord will have a larger part of the body affected than someone who has one impacting the lower spinal cord.
Type of injury
Spinal cord injuries are categorized into two types – complete and incomplete. A complete injury means no nerve pathways are connected at the injury’s site. A person with this type of injury won’t have any sensation or ability to move the limbs in the affected body area.
An incomplete injury is one that still has some nerve pathways connected. The person will usually have some ability to move the affected area of the body and may have some sensation in it. This type of injury is typically associated with a better chance of significant recovery than a complete injury.
Anyone who suffers a spinal cord injury in a crash should ensure that they get medical care right away. This can be costly, but seeking compensation from a liable party can help to cover those costs. Other financial damages, including missed wages, can also be included in a victim’s claim. Individuals only have a limited time to file a case, so those who may be in a strong position to seek compensation should seek legal guidance promptly after sustaining harm.