Breaking a bone in a car crash can cost someone thousands

On Behalf of | Feb 24, 2024 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

The average motorist is likely aware of the fact that collisions cause many preventable deaths and many debilitating injuries every year. Some of the most catastrophic injuries including amputations and spinal cord injuries can occur in an instant when two vehicles collide.

Compared with those dramatic and traumatizing injuries, a broken bone might seem like a minor concern after a crash. After all, modern medical professionals have been able to treat fractures effectively for decades. Yet, despite the tendency to be dismissive about broken bones after collisions, they can actually prove debilitating in some cases and can potentially cost someone thousands of dollars before they fully recover.

Not all broken bones are simple

The first thing people need to understand about fractures is that every break is unique. Even fractures to the same body part can be drastically different depending on someone’s underlying health issues and the unique factors involved in their car crash.

A simple, stable fracture occurs when a bone breaks in one place and remains aligned after the initial trauma. Such fractures are relatively easy to treat. Other broken bones may be much more severe. People may experience spiral fractures if there is a twisting motion involved when they break a bone. The bone may break into many irregular pieces. When the force that breaks the bone is particularly powerful, someone could develop an open or compound fracture. The broken bone pushes through the surrounding tissue and breaks the skin in these scenarios.

Both spiral fractures and open fractures generally require surgery to treat. They may also require significantly more rehabilitative support. In some cases, those with more severe fractures may have lingering symptoms even after the bone heals. Changes in strength and range of motion are both common responses to more severe fractures.

The medical care required after a broken bone can cost tens of thousands of dollars if someone needs surgery and physical therapy. A broken bone could also lead to significant losses in income. Someone in a blue-collar profession or recovering from a more severe fracture may require weeks away from work.

Occasionally, people find that their crash-related expenses extend beyond what insurance might cover. They may then need to pursue a personal injury lawsuit against the parties at fault for their collisions as a result. As such, having a realistic idea about how much an injury could cost might benefit those trying to pursue the maximum amount of compensation to which they are entitled after a wreck.