People are often far too dismissive about slip-and-fall incidents when they initially transpire. There is an assumption that falls from an elevation are a major safety concern, but same-level falls are little more than embarrassing.
Despite this common misconception, slip-and-falls and other same-level falls are a leading cause of severe injury in the United States. Every year, approximately a million people go to emergency rooms for injuries sustained in slip-and-fall scenarios. Many of those people could have sustained at least one of the three injuries listed below, all of which can end up becoming very expensive for a fall victim.
Soft tissue injuries
People may overexert themselves by trying to avoid the fall. The tendency to reach out with arms or kicks as someone falls can lead to muscular tension and inflammation. Soft tissue injuries can be incredibly painful. They may require medication to assist with muscle relaxation and pain management. In more extreme cases, they may require surgery or physical therapy to ensure a full recovery. People may miss weeks of work in addition to accumulating medical expenses when they have soft tissue injuries.
Broken bones
Strains, sprains and other soft tissue injuries are far from the only concern when someone tries to stop themselves from falling. Many slip-and-fall scenarios, particularly those involving older adults, lead to someone breaking a bone. Fractures can range in location and severity depending on someone’s underlying health conditions and other factors. A broken arm or leg could leave someone unable to work for eight weeks or longer. In more extreme cases, people may require surgery and rehabilitative therapy to recover after a broken bone.
Brain injuries
The only thing worse than getting hurt by trying to slow a fall is failing to reduce one’s downward momentum. Particularly when people abruptly fall backward, they can strike their heads and develop brain injuries. A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can cause a variety of different symptoms and may require extensive medical intervention. Brain injuries can sometimes cause lifelong symptoms and may prevent someone from continuing a career that they previously enjoyed.
Individuals who have been hurt in slip-and-fall cases often have grounds for premises liability lawsuits. Evaluating a situation for signs of negligence could help someone recoup the expenses inspired by a slip-and-fall on another’s property.